Welcome to WorkStyle (with django)
looking for japanese? see WorkStyle_ja
WorkStyle is a GTD Tools.
TODO is only classified by TAG and status.
It's easy to use and install.
sand box is here
- linux or OSX (Windows may not work attachfile)
- python(version 2.3 or later)
- django0.91
- some database(PostgreSQL or SQLite3 or MySQL) and python bindings
- web-server apache with mod_fastcgi,fcgi or lighttpd with fcgi (apache and lighttpd with fcgi is not work)
how to install
Installation of Python2.3 or later, and a database and its Python binding -- therefore, it does not explain.
The Python binding required of each database is as follows.
- PostgreSQL : psycopg version1
- MySQL : MySQLdb
- SQLite3 : pysqlite2.0.3 or later
1.Download Django0.91 and WorkStyle-django0.2.1
goto Django Project, then download Django-0.91
goto WorkStyle-py Project, then download WorkStyle-django version0.2.1
2.Installation of Django
Expand django-0.91.tar.gz and run setup.py
tar xzf django-0.91.tar.gz cd Django-0.91 sudo python setup.py installFrom now on, this django directory will be described to be DJANGO_HOME.
3.Installation of WorkStyle
First, Expand WorkStyle-0.2.1.zip and run setup.py
unzip WorkStyle-0.2.1.zip cd WorkStyle-0.2.1 sudo python setup.py installFrom now on, this WorkStyle directory will be described to be WORKSTYLE_HOME.
Then, WORKSTYLE_HOME/settings.py is edited according to environment. (Please edit and save by utf-8.)
- Using PostgreSQL/MySQL
First, create DB user and the database which are used by WorkStyle.
Then edit settings.py.
DATABASE_ENGINE: specify postgresql or mysql
DATABASE_NAME: specify database name
DATABASE_USER: specify database user
DATABASE_PASSWORD: specify database password
DATABASE_HOST: Set to empty string for localhost.
DATABASE_PORT: Set to empty string for default.
- Using SQLite3
DATABASE_ENGINE: specify sqlite3
DATABASE_NAME: path to database file
A setup without regards to the kind of database.
TIME_ZONE: Local time zone for this installation. All choices can be found here:http://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/datetime-keywords.html#DATETIME-TIMEZONE-SET-TABLE
LANGUAGE_CODE: Language code for this installation. All choices can be found here:http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/struct/dirlang.html#langcodes
WORKSTYLE_BASE_DIR: your WorkStyle directory under Python's site-packages
TAG_TYPE_1 - TAG_TYPE_10: used as a name of tag classification, please give a suitable name. It can change at any time.
Create directory for fileupload named 'junk' under WORKSTYLE_ROOT/apps/workstyle/media/resources. 'junk' directory require Read and Write permission for user who run WebServer(or run django-fcgi).
4.Instllation of WorkStyle
The table which a Django framework uses by the following command is created in a database.
django-admin.py init --settings=WorkStyle.settingsThe table which WorkStyle uses by the following command is created in a database.
django-admin.py install workstyle --settings=WorkStyle.settingsSince SQL for INDEX creation of a database is outputted by the following command, please apply to a database if needed.
django-admin.py sqlindexes --settings=WorkStyle.settings
5.The check so far
The development server of django starts by the following command (a stop is Ctl+c). The number 9000 can be changed into arbitrary ports.
django-admin.py runserver 9000 --settings=WorkStyle.settingsOpen http://host:9000/WorkStyle/ by the browser. When you do not make it cooperate with apache or lighttpd, it is an end now.
6.setup of apache+mod_rewrite+mod_fastcgi+fastcgi
Stop development server.
django-fcgi.py is arranged to the place along which PATH passed.
When Python is not 2.4 or more, install flup.
svn co http://svn.saddi.com/flup/trunk flup cd flup/ sudo python setup.py install cd ..; sudo rm -rf flupCreate a file named django.fcgi to directly under a document route (it is a different file although the name resembles django-fcgi.py).just touch.
Then edit httpd.conf.
FastCgiExternalServer: specify the full path to django.fcgi, host and port.
Servername: specify the server name
Alias: specify full path to resources directory.FastCgiExternalServer PATH/django.fcgi -host <VirtualHost *:80> Servername django.loc ErrorLog /var/log/httpd/django-error.log CustomLog /var/log/httpd/django-access.log combined DocumentRoot /var/www/ RewriteEngine On RewriteRule ^/WorkStyle/resources - [PT] RewriteRule ^/(WorkStyle.*)$ /django.fcgi/$1 [L] Alias /WorkStyle/resources "WORKSTYE_HOME/apps/workstyle/media/resources" </VirtualHost>Since the path to python is described on top of django-fcgi.py, please correct, when environment is different.
fastcgi is started by the following command. Then restart apache.django-fcgi.py --settings=WorkStyle.settings --host --port 9000 --daemonOpen http://host/WorkStyle/ by the browse.